A Box Emergency Kit is a box full of essential items you will need during an emergency. Emergencies are unpredictable and can happen at any time, under any circumstances so it is important to be ready always. Always have a Medresq Box emergency kit ready!
Flashlight- A working for flashlight can come in real handy-especially if power goes out. Remember to always bring extra batteries to ensure your light doesn't go dead.
Canned Food or Snacks which only stay good for a while so that you can have something to eat. Always check the expiry date of them to avoid any food problems. Put it in you Medresq Box emergency kit.
Clothes change – Make sure you have a set of clothes assigned to your laid out in the Medresq Box emergency kit. At least you will have clean clothes to wear when the other is wet or dirty.
There are so many reasons why having a Box Emergency Kit is necessary for the whole family. If worst come to worse if some huge storm or flood or even a fire all you have is your Box emergency kit. This is where you can keep everything at one place. So, you cannot fall ill and take care of your family.
Built from very simple, easy things you can do from Box Emergency Kit. Get a strong plastic or metal box that can hold everything easily before placing supplies in. It can be one which can be open from both ends, it needs to be seasoned enough so that nothing goes out of it. Now put all the things that were mentioned above in the box. Now, sort whatever you need to so that when you run out and are looking for something later on it is easy to find! A closet is the perfect place for storing your Box emergency kit, in addition to under a bed.