The Israeli Tourniquet device, with its unique function of assisting to control and stop blood flow in the case that people have been bleeding uncontrollably. When you see someone who is injured and blood starts to fill the room at an alarming rate, it behooves you to try and stop that bleeding right away. This Medresq CAT Tourniquetis just like a thick bandage and it comes wrapped around an arm or leg. It can be used to apply pressure on the specific spot where there is bleeding that shows it in control of circulation.
The Medresq Israeli tourniquet was developed by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) in early 1990s. Policy Factory, an Israeli product design studio tasked with creating a tourniquet that met all of the IDF's requirements needed to make one easy to apply and effective in even rugged battlefield or emergency room conditions. The Israelis developed their own tourniquet to be applied rapidly and single-handed. This makes it ideal in a life or death situation where time is of the essence. Its efficacy is such that, it has started reaching into the services of the first responders including police forces and paramedics across various places in world. They like how good it is at clotting for wound healing to prevent loss of life.
If you ever encounter a heavily bleeding wound in an arm or leg, apply Israeli tourniquet to assist stop the blood flow. Below are the steps to follow for using it in a correct manner:
Put a Tourniquet Around the Bleeding Site Just make sure you pull it very tightly so that it is snug.
Then turn the rod of which is included in this Tourniquet of Medresq until the bleeding actually stops. There may be a brief pause so please wait.
Finally, when the bleeding has stopped, put the rod into the clip so that it stays tight and does not become loosened. It works just like that.
It worked perfectly against bleeding in arms and legs. Additionally, studies show that it stops the bleeding in a maximum of a few minutes. Therefore, people do not lose much blood and are in danger. Quick stoppage of bleeding saves lives; the injured person is taken to hospital, during emergencies. Why is it best to be ready and prepared?
It is good to be prepared for emergencies and when anything goes wrong, and you have available tools. Therefore, the proper tourniquet is the Israeli tourniquet during emergencies. It isn’t enough to have only this without knowing basics of aid and emergency. Knowing some instructions for fast help saves lives.
The Israeli tourniquet will save peoples lives and easy to use. Moreover, it quickly stops bleeding in arms and legs. Therefore, with a good tool and preparedness the victims are always taken to the nearest hospital. Knowing some issues concerning the Tourniquet with metal rod and some first aid basics will keep everyone safe and ready.
Our team of dedicated experts offers tailored solutions, exceptional customer service, and Israeli tourniquet for customers with extensive medical emergency requirements.
Israeli tourniquet ensure high-quality, reliable medical emergency services with precise testing, cutting-edge manufacturing machinery and a large selection of inventory.
Highest standards of manufacturing is guaranteed by our state of the cutting-edge manufacturing line. It Israeli tourniquet more than 15,000 square metres of non-sterile work areas and 1,000 square metres of sterile spaces.
We focus on producing Israeli tourniquet medical emergency equipment, such as personal first aid kits, medical equipment for the military, and pre-hospital emergency products that are reliable in the most critical situations.